April 12th 2016 

This morning I woke up with so much anxiety. Worried about my future, school, my career choices. This is actually very normal for me, to wake up with my emotions overflowing in my body. My body wouldn’t allow me to remain calm. Sometimes it’s like I am screaming on the inside, like I am drowning in my own worries and I can’t break it.

I prayed in bed, “God, please just help me to be calm and focused. Please direct my life and guide me on my journey of not knowing what is to come. Your plan is so much better than mine.” It’s true.. His plan is so much better. He has a plan for my life. He has watched me grow into a woman. He has supplied me with knowledge and strength and compassion. He knows where my feet will go and where He is guiding my heart and I have absolutely no idea what is in store for me.

In Jesus Calling today, April 12th, it was the most perfect devotion and definitely fit how I was feeling today. Trusting in Him.

“Stay on the path of Life with Me, enjoying My Presence. Choose to trust Me in all circumstances.”

Stay with God and trust that He will direct your path if you choose to put your trust in Him always, not just when things are going well and not just when things aren’t. Always.
